4 thoughts on “Raccoon Celebration”

  1. OMGosh, Gemma!!! This is SO cute! I love the colors, I love the coons (I could tell you a long story – we had a mama coon living between our drywall and our siding for a couple of weeks 😱 with her babies) and I love the CAS look.

    Lori S in PA

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      1. The babies would start crying for mama around 10 p.m. They made a funny little twittering sound. My husband thought it was night birds. 🙄 I knew it was something else. Our bedroom ceiling is vaulted. Turns out she’d bent the soffit literally in half. Those coons have muscles!!! Up and over she went. We could hear her skitch, skitch, skitch up and over the high point… over into the alcove where my dresser is. The nest of babies (only 2 cubs – who look just like puppy dogs, by the way, other than HUGE claws that they grow into) was right behind the mirror of my dresser. I felt terrible having a service trap and move them all, but as the removal service said “they’re not paying rent.” There’s a segment (approx 15%) of all north American coons that are no longer able to survive purely in the wild b/c they have always lived in abandoned bldgs or deer stands or other structures. I know more than I ever wanted to about raccoons. And BTW we caught three skunks and two neighborhood cats with ground traps before the roof trap that got the coon.

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