Handmade Cards, Supplies

Making envelopes using the WRMK Envelope Punch Board

After making up my mind to make my own card bases and envelopes, I ordered a ‘We R Memory Keepers Envelope Punch Board’ and a ‘Martha Stewart Mini Scoreboard’. I’ll talk more about the score board in a future post on cardstock.

scoreboard and envelope punch board

I was really excited to try out the envelope punch board. I know from looking online that some have struggled to use it successfully, but as I had watched the video that Michelle from The Card Grotto had filmed showing what to do, I found it very easy and I haven’t had any problems at all. I’ll put a link to her video at the end of this blog post.

Here are some envelopes that I’ve made so far. It really is very straightforward. I used 150gsm paper and was happy with the result. The darker pink envelope at the back is the largest envelope you can make with the board, and will fit an A5 card easily.

The two envelopes at the front are designed for US notecard size cards (A2). The size instructions on the board work perfectly fine, but I had found a suggestion of alternative measurements and wanted to try those too. I was much happier with the end result when using these alternative measurements. There was more space across the width and less extra space in the height, and the card fitted easily inside.

The alternative measurements for cards measuring 4 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches are:

  • Paper size: 8 x 8 inches; 
  • Score line: 3 1/2 inches.

Link to The Card Grotto video on how to use the WRMK Envelope Punch Board

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